It seems like these days, healthy eating became such a multi-billion dollar industry that everyone knows what it's like to get bombarded by 'The New Health Food!' advertisements for other Acai and Goji Berry thingamajig. It is an unfortunate aspect of our pharmaceutical culture that we've learned to look for a cure for a particular disease, and we treat food the same way. Cranberries for UTIs, carrots for vision problems, prunes for constipation ... we're treating food like a drug, and it failed us. We need a new health food regimen.
It is true that Hippocrates said "make food and medicine medicine your food", but that's not what he meant. By eating right in general - every day - we prevent far more illnesses than we could ever hope to treat. The point is not to respond to conditions by seeking a super-food, to prevent conditions by getting proper nutrition.
Nutrition does not stop at food, however. The body also takes in water, air, sunlight, and contaminants. If your water or air are not clean, or you do not get enough sun, or spreading chemicals on your skin that disrupt your body's functions, All Rights eat in the world will not give you perfect health. But it will help - more than you probably realize - to make all of your food your 'New Health Food'.
Starting with the right amount of protein and fat. There are proteins (amino acids) and fats (fatty acids) that your body can not make itself, but it needs to survive. They called and / or essential fatty Amino Acids (EFAs and EAAs). Omega-3 and Omega-6s efa most famous, and EAAs are so commonly overlooked that deficiencies in them are responsible for almost 80% of emotional disorders in the United States.
(EAAs are the basis of mood stablizing hormones, so if you do not get them, you do not get the hormones, which destabilizes your mood and causes depression irritability, anxiety, and ADHD.)
It is important to get at least 80 grams of protein a day, including at least 80 grams per weeks from eggs and 80 grams per week from red meat. That will ensure that your body has enough protein to build tissues and repair organs with, and your brain will be able to create all of the hormones needed to provide mental and emotional stability.
Protein: Healthy new foods!
Similarly, the fat is important to the body's ability to fight infections, injuries and illnesses. Your body's fundamental response to these things is inflammation: the ability for your body to focus heat, blood, and antibodies at the site of injury or illness and attack the problem head-on. Efa is very important for the body's ability to target inflammation effectively. If Omega33/Omega-6 balance is off, your body can become inflamed, and thus be against injury or illness - or worse yet, it may become hyper-inflamed or uncontrollably inflamed, which causes problems like chronic pain, Gathering (the physical kind), and even advanced problems like fibromyalgia and some kinds of cancer.
The key with fats is to get both Omega-3s (fish oils, olive oils, nut and seed oils) as well as Omega-6s (vegetable oils), roughly 1-1 ratio. It is very challenging for most of us, since we all eat vegetable, corn, or canola oils in almost everything, but peanut oil is expensive and fish oils are rare. Establishing the ratio, however, dramatically increases the body's ability to maintain it's own health.
It is true that Hippocrates said "make food and medicine medicine your food", but that's not what he meant. By eating right in general - every day - we prevent far more illnesses than we could ever hope to treat. The point is not to respond to conditions by seeking a super-food, to prevent conditions by getting proper nutrition.
Nutrition does not stop at food, however. The body also takes in water, air, sunlight, and contaminants. If your water or air are not clean, or you do not get enough sun, or spreading chemicals on your skin that disrupt your body's functions, All Rights eat in the world will not give you perfect health. But it will help - more than you probably realize - to make all of your food your 'New Health Food'.
Starting with the right amount of protein and fat. There are proteins (amino acids) and fats (fatty acids) that your body can not make itself, but it needs to survive. They called and / or essential fatty Amino Acids (EFAs and EAAs). Omega-3 and Omega-6s efa most famous, and EAAs are so commonly overlooked that deficiencies in them are responsible for almost 80% of emotional disorders in the United States.
(EAAs are the basis of mood stablizing hormones, so if you do not get them, you do not get the hormones, which destabilizes your mood and causes depression irritability, anxiety, and ADHD.)
It is important to get at least 80 grams of protein a day, including at least 80 grams per weeks from eggs and 80 grams per week from red meat. That will ensure that your body has enough protein to build tissues and repair organs with, and your brain will be able to create all of the hormones needed to provide mental and emotional stability.
Protein: Healthy new foods!
Similarly, the fat is important to the body's ability to fight infections, injuries and illnesses. Your body's fundamental response to these things is inflammation: the ability for your body to focus heat, blood, and antibodies at the site of injury or illness and attack the problem head-on. Efa is very important for the body's ability to target inflammation effectively. If Omega33/Omega-6 balance is off, your body can become inflamed, and thus be against injury or illness - or worse yet, it may become hyper-inflamed or uncontrollably inflamed, which causes problems like chronic pain, Gathering (the physical kind), and even advanced problems like fibromyalgia and some kinds of cancer.
The key with fats is to get both Omega-3s (fish oils, olive oils, nut and seed oils) as well as Omega-6s (vegetable oils), roughly 1-1 ratio. It is very challenging for most of us, since we all eat vegetable, corn, or canola oils in almost everything, but peanut oil is expensive and fish oils are rare. Establishing the ratio, however, dramatically increases the body's ability to maintain it's own health.
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